Йежи Шацки
„Либерализъм след комунизма“ „...представя една систематика и анализ на сам по себе си обширния комплекс от...
Малкълм Гладуел
„Проблясък. Силата на мигновените решения” е книга за мигновените прозрения и решения. Написана е от...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Издател: The Dutch ministry of Foreign affairs
So far, the Matra programme has been successful as a flexible programme in supporting the democratisation process in Central and Eastern Europe. Hundreds of small and medium sized projects contributed positively to social transformation albeit on a limited scale. Although the overall impact has been limited, a fair number of projects have
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Издател: International Monetary Fund
Joan Nelson
Издател: Princeton University Press
Издател: Edita Prima
The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Institute in Rome have organized a Conference and have published a charming and path breaking book – Europe 2050 – Challenges of the Future – Heritage of the Past. The conference and the book should be seen as an inspiration to discover a new perspective to analyze in a philosophical
Klaus-Dieter Borchardt
Издател: European documentation
Аlina Mungiu-Pipidi
Издател: Еuropean university institute
Thomas Cusack, Richard Stoll
Издател: Boulder
For thousands of years, Realpolitik has been the pre-eminent lens through which scholars and practitioners alike have examined international politics. Nevertheless, it remains controversial, generating quarrels at both the theoretical and the empirical levels. Positing that the vagueness of the key concepts of Realpolitik causes much of the
Издател: МОТТ Foundation
Jarec Cukrowski, Jaroslaw Janecki
Издател: CASE
Издател: The World Bank
Книги: 1481 - 1490 от общо 1582