
Fragile Coalitions Fragile Coalitions

Joan Nelson

Издател: Transaction Books

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Free Choice for Workers Free Choice for Workers

George Leff

Издател: Jameson Books

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Global Fortune Global Fortune

Издател: CATO

This collection of essays proposes improvements to the international financial system and evaluates the prospects that the recent conversion to global capitalism will be sustained.

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Head to Head Head to Head

Lester Thurow

Издател: William Morrow and Company

A leading economic theorist analyzes the United States's place in the changing world economy in light of the emergence of an economically united Europe. By the author of The Zero Sum Society.

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Historically Planned Economies Historically Planned Economies

Издател: The World Bank

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Income Redistribution Income Redistribution

Colin Campbell

Издател: The AEI

Papers presented at a conference held in Washington, D.C. from May 20 to May 21, 1976 and sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. Includes bibliographical references.

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Intellectual property frontiers Intellectual property frontiers

Издател: Stockholm network

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International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund


Издател: International monetary fund

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Investment and Finance in De Novo Private Firms Investment and Finance in De Novo Private Firms


Издател: CASE

In this paper we use a survey of 281 Czech, Hungarian and Polish newly established small private firms in order to shed some light on the constraints these firms face in the credit market. We show that financial intermediation works reasonably well: it is difficult to find signs of credit rationing and banks seems to be able to discriminate

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Liberale traditionen in Polen Liberale traditionen in Polen

Hans-Georg Fleck

Издател: Wydawnictwo DiG

Nach den epochalen Wandlungen in Ost- und Ostmitteleuropa seit 1989 hat sich auch innerhalb der politischen Szenarie Polens ein ``liberales Lager`` entwickelt. Es zeichnet sich durch grosse organisatorische und programmatische Heterogenität sowie ein inkonsistentes oder kaum reflektiertes Liberalismus-Verständnis aus.

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Книги: 1491 - 1500 от общо 1582