Exiting Iraq
Christopher A. Preble
Издател: The Cato Institute
With the continuing U.S. occupation of Iraq, a special task force of scholars and policy experts calls into question the Bush administration's intention to stay as long as necessary. In this joint statement, the members argue that the presence of troops in Iraq distracts attention from fighting Al Qaeda and emboldens a new class of terrorists to
Absolutely Small
Michael D. Fayer, Ph.D.
Издател: AMACOM
Physics is a complex, even daunting topic, but it is also deeply satisfying—even thrilling. And liberated from its mathematical underpinnings, physics suddenly becomes accessible to anyone with the curiosity and imagination to explore its beauty. Science without math? It’s not that unusual. For example, we can understand the concept of gravity
This Hemisphere of Liberty
Michael Novak
Издател: Тhe AEI Press
The subject of this book, the author writes, "is how to build institutions of liberty in this hemisphere of the Americas." Its thrust is twofold. First, Novak argues that North Americans and Latin Americans often speak past each other conceptually. Without an understanding of the Catholic intellectual traditions of southern Europe and Latin
Work and Welfare in Massachusetts
June O`Neill
Издател: Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research
Since its introduction in 1983, the Employment and Training Choices program had been widely applauded as a creative response to the problem of chronic welfare. State leaders like Gov. Michael Dukakis took every opportunity to celebrate the program’s success, but these claims were based on government-sponsored research that had generally found in
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