Ayn Rand
Издател: Signet
Anthem is Ayn Rand’s “hymn to man’s ego.” It is the story of one man’s rebellion against a totalitarian, collectivist society. Equality 7-2521 is a young man who yearns to understand “the Science of Things.” But he lives in a bleak, dystopian future where independent thought is a crime and where science and technology have regressed
We The Living
Ayn Rand
Издател: Signet
The novel’s portrayal of the destructive effects of collectivism reflects Ayn Rand’s focus in her early philosophic thinking on moral and political issues; its theme, she said, is “the individual against the state.” Published (with considerable difficulty) at the height of the Red Decade, American intellectuals’ infatuation with
The Unfinished Business of the Fifth Enlargement Countries
Издател: Отворено Общество
The unfinished business in those countries concerns mainly the policy areas of national competence (political systems, social, educational, health reforms and sustainable economic development) that have been relatively neglected by decision-makers in the pre-accession period for the sake of the accession agenda.
There is not any
The Intellectuals and Socialism
Friedrich von Hayek
Издател: Institute for Humane Studies
In "The Intellectuals and Socialism," originally published in 1949, Hayek explained the appeal of socialist ideas to intellectuals – the "second-hand dealers in ideas." Intellectuals, Hayek argued, are attracted to socialism because it involves the rational application of the intellect to the organisation of society, while its utopianism
The Global Education Industry
James Tooley
Издател: IEA
The first edition of this pioneering book produced surprising conclusions from research around the world into the extent of private education. James Tooley challenged the prevailing wisdom that private education fosters social and economic inequality.
On the contrary, he found that the private sector, as well as being innovative, often
The Land Use Planning System
John Corkindale
Издател: IEA
The existing system of land use planning in the UK dates back to the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act and is therefore now well over half a century old. For most of that time, the town and country planners have run the system and until recently there has been remarkably little serious economic evaluation of it. However, there have been
Verdict on the Crash: Causes and Policy Implications
Издател: IEA
This book challenges the myth that the recent banking crisis was caused by insufficient statutory regulation of financial markets. Though it finds that statutory regulation failed, and that market participants took more risks than they should have done, it appears that statutory regulation made matters worse rather than better.
Furthermore the
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