Man, Economy, and State
Murray N. Rothbard
Издател: The Ludwig von Mises Institute
A pillar of the Austrian School Library and the last full-blown treatise on economics. If Mises's Human Action was the culmination of the School from Menger's time, Rothbard's treatise takes Austrian thought even further in the areas of utility and welfare economics, antitrust, labor, taxation, public goods, and social insurance schemes.
The Age of Turbulence
Alan Greenspan
Издател: Penguin Group
"The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World," by Alan Greenspan is two books in one. The first half of this work is an autobiographical chronology of the author's life. This portion of the text permits readers a view of the people and circumstances that helped shape and guide Greenspan. From hours of clarinet and saxophone practice as a
The Age of the Economist
Daniel R. Fusfeld
Издател: Scott, Foresman and Company
Written especially for students with a limited background in economics, this book explains how a market economy functions through an historical overview of economics. It discusses the major schools of economic thought and ideas of the leading economists of each period. Updated throughout, the book emphasizes the relationship between economic
Does the Exchange Rate Regime Matter for Inflation and Growth?
Издател: International Monetary Fund
Although the theoretical relationships are ambiguous, evidence suggests a strong link between the choice of the exchange rate regime and economic performance. The paper argues that adopting a pegged exchange rate can lead to lower inflation, but also to slower growth in productivity. It finds that on average per capita GDP growth was slightly
The Dirty Dozen
Robert A. Levy , William Mellor
Издател: Sentinel, Penguin Group
Cato Institute senior fellow Levy and lawyer Mellor, in this excellent examination of twelve far-reaching Supreme Court cases and their consequences, force readers to question the direction in which the judiciary has led our country over the past century-and possibly their own attitudes toward the federal government. The authors deftly navigate
The Quest for Self-Determination
Dov Ronen
Издател: Yale University Press
Dov Ronen proposes in this interpretive essay that ethnic nationalism is simply the newest form of a basic human drive for self-determination that has been manifested in four other movements since the French Revolution: nineteenth-century nationalism, Marxist-Leninist class self-determination, self-determination for minorities as espoused by
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