
Unemployment, Restructuring, and the Labor Market in Eastern Europe and Russia Unemployment, Restructuring, and the Labor Market in Eastern Europe and Russia

Simon Commander, Fabrizio Coricelli

Издател: The World Bank

When transition started in Eastern Europe and Russia, it was clear that unemployment would emerge and that, at least initially, job losses were likely to be large given the size of the shocks and the disruption to systems of production and trade. How large the unemployment and how long it will last still remains largely unknown. This report

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Economics of the Public Sector Economics of the Public Sector

Joseph E. Stiglitz

Издател: Norton & Company

At the center of our country's political life are some basic economic questions: How does the government affect the economy? What should the government do? Why are some economic activities undertaken in the public sector and others in the private? Should government do more than it is currently doing, or less? Should it change what it is doing, and

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The German Pfandbrief The German Pfandbrief

Издател: Association of German Mortgage Banks

The German Pfandbrief market is the largest non-state segment in the European bond market with a volume outstanding of over EUR 1 tn at the end of 1999. Public Pfandbriefe account for around 80% of the volume outstanding, the rest being Mortgage Pfandbriefe.

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Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society

Издател: The American Philosophical Society

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Тhe Balkans in the Еuropean Economic Space Тhe Balkans in the Еuropean Economic Space


Издател: Тhe Ministry of National Economy of Greece

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Trade in Services in the Central and East European Countries Trade in Services in the Central and East European Countries

Roman Romisch

Издател: WIIW

Trade in services, although often neglected by theory and empiricism, plays a quite influential role in the balance of payments of most countries. In the case of the CEE countries, services trade also enters another dimension: it is a helpful means in the modernization process of the CEE economies whose (producer) services, as of 1989, were far

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The Transition Economies The Transition Economies

Leon Podkaminer

Издател: WIIW

For the first time since the transformation began, all transition economies recorded GDP growth in the year 2000. Some of the traditional 'losers' grew much faster than the traditional 'winners' of the transition process. The average growth rate in the region more than doubled and the differences in the rates of GDP change narrowed significantly.

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Paper or Plastic? The Effect of Time on Check and Debit Card Use at Grocery Stores Paper or Plastic? The Effect of Time on Check and Debit Card Use at Grocery Stores

Elizabeth Klee

Издател: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Time is a significant cost of conducting transactions, and theoretical models predict that transactions costs significantly affect the type of media of exchange buyers use. However, there is little empirical work documenting the magnitude of this effect. This paper uses grocery store scanner data to examine how time affects consumer choices of

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Книги: 641 - 650 от общо 1582