The Economic Impact of Education
George Psacharopoulos
Издател: International Center for Economic Growth
The book presents a review of the evidence of the economic impact of education produced in the past thirty years. The field is not without controversy so the major debates have been followed here.
The Evolution of Tax Evasion in the Czech Republic
Jan Hanousek , Filip Palda
Издател: CERGE-EI
A dataset of 1062 individuals from the Czech Republic is used to forecast the evolution of tax evasion in that country. We ask each respondent how intensely (never, sometimes, often) he evaded taxes in 1995, 1999, and 2000, to calculate probabilities the average individual will move between these categories of evasion in any given year. These
The Firm, the Market, and the Law
R. H. Coase
Издател: Тhe University of Chicago Press
"The Nature of the Firm" (1937), is an influential article by Ronald Coase. It offered an economic explanation of why individuals choose to form partnerships, companies and other business entities rather than trading bilaterally through contracts on a market.
Given that "production could be carried on without any organization that is, firms at
The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty
Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education
The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, is the flagship publication of the Foundation for Economic Education and one of the oldest and most respected journals of liberty in America. For almost 50 years it has uncompromisingly defended the ideals of the free society.
Through its articles, commentaries and book reviews, several generations of Americans
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