Свободно падане
Джоузеф Стиглиц
Издател: ИнфоДАР
Единствената изненада, свързана с икономическата криза от 2008 г., е, че тя изненада толкова много хора. Джоузеф Стиглиц обяснява причините, довели до настоящата финансова криза, с етикет
Икономика на Третия райх
Адам Туз
Издател: Сиела софт енд публишинг АД
Книгата е исторически разказ за Германия под управлението на Хитлер, разгърнат най-вече от икономическа гледна точка.
С проучването на икономическите условия и политиката на времето и на
Matthew Bishop , Michael Green
Издател: A&C Black
For philanthropists of the past, charity was often a matter of simply giving money away. For 'philanthrocapitalists' - the new generation of billionaires who are reshaping the way they give - it's like business. Largely trained in the corporate world, these 'social investors' are using big-business-style strategies and expecting results and
Guaranteed to Fail
Viral V. Acharya , Matthew Richardson , Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh , Lawrence J. White
Издател: Princeton University Press
The financial collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008 led to one of the most sweeping government interventions in private financial markets in history. The bailout has already cost American taxpayers close to $150 billion, and substantially more will be needed. The U.S. economy--and by extension, the global financial system--has a lot
Poor Economics
Abhijit V. Banerjee , Esther Duflo
Издател: Penguin Books
For more than fifteen years Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo have worked with the poor in dozens of countries spanning five continents, trying to understand the specific problems that come with poverty and to find proven solutions. Their book is radical in its rethinking of the economics of poverty, but also entirely practical in the
Debt, Innovations, and Deflation
J. Patrick Raines , Charles G. Leathers
Издател: Edward Elgar Publishing
In Debt, Innovations, and Deflation, the authors analyze the deflation theories of Thorstein Veblen, Irving Fisher, Joseph A. Schumpeter, and Hyman Minsky. In so doing, they develop a paradigm for understanding the phenomenon of deflation. They explain how technological, organizational, and financial innovations, combined with developments related
Ten Years On
Lee Rotherham
Издател: The TaxPayers' Alliance
"If you traded something, made something, ran something, policed something, protected something, transported something, taught something, learned something, powered something, published something, research something, reported something or supported something, Brussels has a say in it."
Britain has been a member of the EU for a third of a
Книги: 941 - 950 от общо 1582