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Това е една "събирателна" книга. В първата си част тя включва 63 самостоятелни публикации от личния блог на...
Фридрих Август фон Хайек
Ако с "Пътят към робството" (1944) Хайек предупреждава света за опасностите, пред които тоталитарното...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Fred R. Dallmayr
Издател: The University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst
The present volume probes the decline or twilight of subjectivity, which has served as cornerstone of modern philosophy since the Renaissance, together with the repercussions of this decline on social and political thought. In the latter domain, modern subjectivity has tended to foster a distinctive type of individualism: one which treats the ego
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Galen Carpenter & Malou Innocent
Издател: Cato Institute
The autors provide a strategy for resolving the eyhical dilemmas between interests and values faced by Washington. They propose maintaining an "arm's lenght relationship"with authoritarian regimes, emphasizing that the U.S. must not operate internationally in ways that routinely pollute American values.The degree of appropriate cooperation with an
Издател: Вагабонд медия
Луксозно, богато илюстровано, издание с текстовете на Магна Харта и Конституцията на САЩ – нейната по-голямата дъщеря. В предговора към алманаха, посветен на 800-на годишнина от подписването
Hugh Trevor-Roper
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century collects nine essays by Trevor-Roper on the themes of religion, the Reformation, and social change. As Trevor-Roper explains in his preface, “the crisis in government, society, and ideas which occurred, both in Europe and in England, between the Reformation and the middle of the seventeenth century”
Zhang Weiying
First published in China in 2010, where it became a bestselling academic title, The Logic of the Market is a collection of well-known economist Zhang Weiying’s most influential essays on Chinese economic reforms. Considered China’s “leading market liberalist,” the author offers a unique perspective on the market economy, implementation of
David Boaz
Издател: Simon & Schuster
Libertarianism: A Primer, by David Boaz, the longtime executive vice president of the Cato Institute, continues to be the best available guide to the history, ideas, and growth of this increasingly important political movement—and now it has been updated throughout and with a new title: The Libertarian Mind. Boaz has updated the book with
1 глас, средно: 5 от 5
Tim Harford
Издател: Abacus
Who really makes money from fair trade coffee? Why is it impossible to buy a decent second hand car? How do the Mafia make money from laundries when street gangs pushing drugs don’t? Who really benefits from immigration? Looking at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways, The Undercover Economist is a fresh explanation of the fundamental
Flemming Rose
When Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed five years ago, Denmark found itself at the center of a global battle about the freedom of speech. The paper’s culture editor Flemming Rose defended the decision to print the 12 drawings while the world went up in flames, and quickly he came to play a central
Издател: Bank of Greece, Bulgarian National Bank, National Bank of Romania, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Most of the available literature on economic history deals with the advanced countries of Western Europe and the United States of America. The monetary and financial history of South-Eastern Europe, however, is still largely unexplored. This data volume aims at filling this gap by shedding light on the monetary history of the individual countries
Arthur Laffer
Издател: The Laffer Center at the Pacific Research Institute
Renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer recently released his Handbook of Tobacco Taxation – Theory and Practice. Published by The Laffer Center at the Pacific Research Institute, this 400-page handbook provides a comprehensive overview on all aspects of tobacco taxation. Laffer said, “One size does not fit all. Tobacco regulation and taxation
Книги: 951 - 960 от общо 1582