Constitutional Environments and Economic Growth
Gerald W. Scully
Издател: Princeton University Press
In this provocative work, Gerald Scully develops and empirically tests a theory about how a nation's constitutional setting affects its economic growth. Modern growth theory links the rise in the standard of living to capital formation, both physical and human, and to technological progress, and development economists continue to believe that the
The Korean Economy: Six Decades of Growth and Development
Il SaKong , Youngsun Koh
Издател: Korea Development Institute
The economic growth and social development of Korea in the last 60 years has been truly phenomenal. In 1948, when the government was first established, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Now, it has advanced to a global economic player with a solid industrial base. In the mean time, democracy and pluralism have taken a firm root
Factors for Economic Growth in Bulgaria
Издател: Centre for Economic Development
CED efforts are proactively focused at shaping Bulgaria’s economic policy, at assisting economic reforms and establishing a functioning market economy in the country. The Center’s consistency and determination to accomplish its goals is obvious in the priority areas:
Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy and Economic Growth.
High Tech
Growth in East Asia
Michael Sarel
Издател: International Monetary Fund
The spectacular growth of many economies in East Asia over the past 30 years has amazed the economics profession, which inevitably refers to the success of the so-called Four Tigers of the region (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan Province of China) as miraculous. This paper critically reviews the reasons alleged for this extraordinary
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