Sources of Growth
Victor Elias
Издател: PRESS
In Sources of Growth, Victor J. Elias compares the behavior of the components of growth-labor, capital, and productivity in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela over the course of four and a half decades.
Endogenous Growth Theory
Philippe Aghion , Peter Howitt
Издател: The MIT Press
Advanced economies have experienced a tremendous increase in material well- being since the industrial revolution. Modern innovations such as personal computers, laser surgery, jet airplanes, and satellite communication have made us rich and transformed the way we live and work. But technological change has also brought with it a variety of social
Economic Growth
Robert J. Barro , Xavier Sala-i-Martin
Издател: The MIT Press
This graduate level text on economic growth surveys neoclassical and more recent growth theories, stressing their empirical implications and the relation of theory to data and evidence. The authors have undertaken a major revision for the long-awaited second edition of this widely used text, the first modern textbook devoted to growth theory. The
Introduction to Modern Economic Growth
Daron Acemoglu
Издател: Princeton University Press
Introduction to Modern Economic Growth is a groundbreaking text from one of today's leading economists. Daron Acemoglu gives graduate students not only the tools to analyze growth and related macroeconomic problems, but also the broad perspective needed to apply those tools to the big-picture questions of growth and divergence. And he introduces
Economic Crises and Long-Term Growth in Turkey
Ziya Onis , James Riedel
Издател: The World Bank
The present volume explains why Turkey has experienced persistent macroeconomic instability punctuated by a crisis, or the clear threat of crisis, about every ten years or so since the end of World War II. In addition to identify the sources of Turkey’s macroeconomic problems and explain why Turkish government responded to crisis in the ways
Obstacles to Trade, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
Издател: Chesapeake Associates
This volume presents ten first-person stories, case studies, about how entrepreneurs in the Balkans cope with obstacles to the success of their businesses. In producing the ten cases, we labored to produce something new. We realize that many of the issues covered in the case studies are not new, and that these topics have been written about
Възход и упадък на нациите
Мансър Олсън
Издател: ИК „ Златорогъ"
"Във “Възход и упадък на нациите. Икономически растеж, стагфлация и социални ограничения” (Изд.”Златорогъ”) храна за размисъл може да намери както кабинетният учен, така и неизкушеният в
Книги: 31 - 40 от общо 55