Публицистика. Художествена литература

The Failure of the "New Economics"

An Analysis of the Keynesian Fallacies

Автор(и) : Henry Hazlitt

Издател : The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Място на издаване : Auburn, Alabama, USA

Година на издаване : 2007

ISBN : 978-1-933550-11-4

Брой страници : 458

Език : английски


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The Failure of the "New Economics" (1959) is a book by Henry Hazlitt offering a detailed critique of John Maynard Keynes' work The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936).
Hazlitt embarked on this project because, in his view, although general critiques of Keynes and The General Theory had been made, no critic had completed a detailed, paragraph-by-paragraph, analysis of the work and accordingly followers of Keynes could argue that previous critiques were shallow and did not indicate an understanding of Keynes' revolutionary ideas.
Hazlitt's work represents the most detailed critical analysis of The General Theory ever undertaken from an Austrian perspective.
Economist Ludwig von Mises called it "a devastating criticism of the Keynesian doctrines."

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