
The Fire of Invention

Civil Society and the Future of the Corporation

Автор(и) : Michael Novak

Издател : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Място на издаване : Maryland, USA

Година на издаване : 1997

ISBN : 0-8476-8664-7

Брой страници : 177

Език : английски


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Many Americans today consider the corporation to be public enemy number one. Downsizing, corporate greed, an exclusive focus on the needs of shareholders at the expense of workers - the list of complaints is long and growing. In this powerful new book, prominent scholar Michael Novak argues that these critics ask the corporation to be something it is not, and they overlook the functions that it performs best - the cultivation of civil society, the fortification of democracy, and the elevation of the poor. Borrowing a phrase from Abraham Lincoln, Novak shows how the corporation weds "the fire of invention" to the "fuel of interest" to generate a creative, dynamic, and civic minded citizenry. The Fire of Invention examines and illuminates many crucial debates: What is the purpose of the corporation? How should a corporation be governed? How much corporate independence from government regulation is desirable? How can businesses prepare for the complex economic and ethical challenges of the next century? This important book will fundamentally change the way Americans think about big business.

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