
The Great Democracies

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Volume 4

Автор(и) : Winston S. Churchill

Издател : Bantam Books Inc.

Място на издаване : New York, USA

Година на издаване : 1958

Брой страници : 320

Език : английски


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This last volume spans the period between 1815 and 1901. It draws to a close when the British Empire is at its peak - with a staggering one-fifth of the human race presided over by the longest reigning monarch in British history. Queen Victoria. As with the other volumes it is a history not only of the English-speaking peoples, but also for the world that they inhabit. Churchill traces the footsteps of these inhabitants, whether it is to Canada and South Africa, Australia and New Zealand or across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States. He charts the rise of Germany and the unification of Italy, and examines the situation in the Balkans in 1878 - all of which had a deep and lasting impact on the geography of the European continent today.

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