История на икономическата мисъл

The System of Liberty

Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism

Автор(и) : George H. Smith

Издател : Cato Institute

Място на издаване : Washington, D.C., USA

Година на издаване : 2013

ISBN : 978-0-521-18209-6

Брой страници : 225

Език : английски


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Liberal individualism, or "classical liberalism" as it is often called, refers to a political philosophy in which liberty plays the central role. This book demonstrates a conceptual unity within the manifestations of classical liberalism by tracing the history of several interrelated and reinforcing themes. Concepts such as order, justice, rights, and freedom have imparted unity to this diverse political ideology by integrating context and meaning. However, they have also sparked conflict, as classical liberals split on a number of issues, such as legitimate exceptions to the "presumption of liberty," the meaning of "the public good," natural rights versus utilitarianism, the role of the state in education, and the rights of resistance and revolution. This book explores these conflicts and their implications for contemporary liberal and libertarian thought.

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