
Workforce 2020: Work and Workers in the 21st Century

Автор(и) : Richard W. Judy, Carol D`Amico

Издател : Hudson Institute

Място на издаване : Indiana,USA

Година на издаване : 1997

ISBN : 1-55813-061-6

Брой страници : 160

Език : Английски


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Ten years ago Hudson Institute's landmark study Workforce 2000 set the agenda for a new understanding of workforce issues. Described by the New York Times as "one of the most influential studies ever produced by a think tank," this groundbreaking report set the terms for much of the policy discussion at the government and corporate levels on these issues. It was the first to call attention to the changing demographics of the American workforce and the growing gap between the skills likely to be required for entry-level jobs in the future and those likely to be possessed by new entrants into the labor force.

Now Hudson releases its long-awaited follow-up: Workforce 2000 Revisited. Like its predecessor, the new book examines the trends that shape the economy and workforce, and combines them into a unique and fresh body of analysis. The authors set the record straight on the demographic makeup of the workforce in the years 2000 to 2020 and challenge the conventional wisdom on trends affecting American workers and employers. Analyzing important emerging issues, they detail the coming demographic changes in the workforce--and their potentially serious effects on the job market and the economy as a whole.

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