Нови книги
Какво се случи?
Андрей Райчев , Кънчо Стойчев
Издател: "Изток Запад“
Читателят, който има търпението да се разходи с нас по 'гънките' на една локална история, ненадейно ще получи няколко екстри: ще се запознае с ДЗНВР - едно колективно чудовище, съставено от
The Old Regime and the French Revolution
John W. Boyer , Julius Kirshner
Издател: The University of Chicago Press
Not everything in Athens was by a vote, they also cast lots for city jobs.
The law and customs are given in reading from classic texts and poems.
The idea of a citizen having "rights" in the running of the city-state goes back to Athens. Before in ancient that ordinary people pretty much had the right to pay taxes and serve in the military,
Moral Issues in Business
Vincent Barry
Издател: Wadsworth Publishing Company
One of the most popular business ethics books available, MORAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS, guides readers in thinking deeply about important moral issues that frequently arise in business situations and helps them develop the reasoning and analytical skills to resolve those issues. Combining insightful and accessible textbook chapters by the authors,
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