Нови книги
Петър Увалиев или Пиер Рув: Един живот
Соня Рув
Издател: Сиела софт енд паблишинг
Петър Христов Увалиев - известен във Великобритания като Пиер Рув, (1915-1998) е български теоретик на изкуството, критик, писател, публицист и семиотик, който от 1948 г. живее и работи в Лондон.
Essays in Positive Economics
Milton Friedman
Издател: University of Chicago Press
Milton Friedman's book Essays in Positive Economics (1953) is a collection of earlier articles by the author with as its lead an original essay "The Methodology of Positive Economics," on which this article focuses.
The most basic counsel of this essay is to respect John Neville Keynes’s distinction between positive and normative economics,
The Great Crash 1929
John Kenneth Galbraith
Издател: Houghton Mifflin Company
Of Galbraith's classic examination of the 1929 financial collapse, the Atlantic Monthly said:"Economic writings are seldom notable for their entertainment value, but this book is. Galbraith's prose has grace and wit, and he distills a good deal of sardonic fun from the whopping errors of the nation's oracles and the wondrous antics of the
История на ислямската философия
Анри Корбен
Издател: Център за изследване на ислямската цивилизация
Световноизвестният френски ислямовед Анри Корбен (1903-1978 г.) разтърси изоснови с колосалното си творчество представите на Запада за духовните измерения на исляма. Великолепен познавач както
Джеймс Джойс
Издател: Издателство "Изток-Запад"
Eднoвpeмeннo aбcтpaктнo, интeлeктуaлнo и пpoвoкиpaщo, пoвecтвoвaниeтo нa „Одиceй” e c eнциклoпeдични пpoпopции. Иcтopиятa имa кoлкoтo литepaтуpни, тoлкoвa и чиcтo eкcпepимeнтaлни xapaктepиcтики и кaчecтвa, a пocтигнaтият peзултaт
Frédéric Bastiat
Издател: Société d'Édition Les Belles Lettre
Les Pamphlets de Bastiat (1801-1850) édités sous ce titre en 1850 et complétés par le célèbre Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas excèdent en réalité le genre pamphlétaire convenu. Ce sont autant de brefs mais denses essais à visée pédagogique conjuguant critique de la spoliation impliquée par les projets étatistes et socialistes
Lectures on Regulatory and Competition Policy
Irwin M. Stelzer
Издател: Institute of Economic Affairs
For many years, Dr Irwin Stelzer, the economic commentator and journalist, has been stimulating audiences around the world with lectures on a range of economic topics.
In this volume, the IEA reprints revised versions of twelve lectures in three areas where Dr Stelzer is acknowledged as an expert - competition policy and the form it should take;
Policies, Institutions and the Dark Side of Economics
Vito Tanzi
Издател: Edward Elgar Publishing
Tanzi has been director of the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department for two decades, which has put him in contact with tax authorities in numerous countries. These essays, some previously published, focus on the practical and institutional side of fiscal affairs, especially tax policy. Much of the book concerns tax evasion, the underground economy,
Книги: 371 - 380 от общо 3739