Нови книги

The Failure of the "New Economics" The Failure of the "New Economics"

Henry Hazlitt

Издател: The Ludwig von Mises Institute

The Failure of the "New Economics" (1959) is a book by Henry Hazlitt offering a detailed critique of John Maynard Keynes' work The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936). Hazlitt embarked on this project because, in his view, although general critiques of Keynes and The General Theory had been made, no critic had completed a

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Will Dollars Save the World? Will Dollars Save the World?

Henry Hazlitt

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

Henry Hazlitt had left the New York Times in an ideological disagreement over post-war economic policy. Once he left, he was free to speak his mind on the important issues of the day, among which the Marshall Plan. This is his blockbuster argument against the idea of putting post-war Europe on the US dole. He made the case that aid would

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The Foundations of Morality The Foundations of Morality

Henry Hazlitt

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

In this impressive work Henry Hazlitt explores the proper foundation of morality, offering a unified theory of laws, morals, and manners. Noted economist Leland Yeager, in his foreword to this edition, says that The Foundations of Morality “provides . . . the soundest philosophical basis for the humane society that is the ideal of classical

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The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt

Hans F. Sennholz

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

This collection of essays introduces the reader to the economic thought of Henry Hazlitt. The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt contains essays discussing Hazlitt’s life, philosophy, career, and unwavering defense of the free market.

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Time Will Run Back Time Will Run Back

Henry Hazlitt

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

Here is a splendid novel by Henry Hazlitt, first published in 1951 and revised in 1966. The plot line explores the economic theories of capitalism and socialism. It begins in a fully socialist society in which the new leader, who finds himself in that position only by accident, begins to rethink the economic basis of the system. He first begins

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Against Leviathan Against Leviathan

Robert Higgs

Издател: Indipendent Institute

What is fundamentally wrong with government today? In Against Leviathan, economist and historian, Robert Higgs, offers an unflinching critical analysis of government power in all its aspects: welfare, warfare, regulation, spying, and its imposition on personal liberties.

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Атлас изправи рамене Атлас изправи рамене

Айн Ранд

Издател: ИК

Третата част на романа - opus magnum на Айн Ранд - е озаглавена „А е А” и символизира онова, което тя като един от най-влиятелните философи на ХХ в. нарича „закон за тъждеството”. Тук всички

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Атлас изправи рамене Атлас изправи рамене

Айн Ранд

Издател: ИК

Втората част на този великолепен философски трилър е фокусирана върху Дагни Тагарт и нейната мъчителна дилема как да остане вярна на себе си: дали като продължи битката да запази своя бизнес

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Публично-частно партньорство Публично-частно партньорство

Евгений Кънев

Издател: "Изток-Запад"

„Без преувеличение може да се твърди, че тази книга е сериозен опит за интеграция на проблематиката на Публично-частното партньорство в макроикономическата проблематика, очертавайки по

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Capitalism 4.0 Capitalism 4.0

Anatole Kaletsky

Издател: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Understanding Capitalism 4.0 will be critical to the continued recovery of our global economies. In this book, the author describes the emerging features of this new capitalist model, explains how it differs from the previous versions - and how it will change politics, finance, international relations and economic thinking in the next decade.

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Книги: 781 - 790 от общо 3739