Популярни книги

Great Myths of the Great Depression Great Myths of the Great Depression

Lawrence W. Reed

Издател: Macinac Center, Foundation for Economic Education

Students today are often given a skewed account of the Great Depression of 1929-1941 that condemns free-market capitalism as the cause of, and promotes government intervention as the solution to, the economic hardships of the era. In this essay based on a popular lecture, Mackinac Center for Public Policy President Lawrence W. Reed debunks the

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Човешкото действие Човешкото действие

Лудвиг фон Мизес

Издател: Издателска къща "МаК"

„Човешкото действие” на Лудвиг фон Мизес е несъмнено едно от върховните постижения на обществената мисъл през ХХ век . За разлика от останалите учебници по икономика, пълни с диаграми и

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Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery Liberty: A Path to Its Recovery

F. A. Harper

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

A study of the scope and complexity of the problems of liberty.

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The Invisible Heart The Invisible Heart

Russell Roberts

Издател: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A romance from MIT Press? Yes, because it’s devoted to radical economic ideas delivered as marvelously inventive fiction. Business scholar and NPR commentator Roberts (The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism, 1993, not reviewed) hangs his debut novel on a trick, which of course we can’t give away, but think clever twists à la The

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Държавност и анархия Държавност и анархия

Михаил Бакунин

Издател: Издателство "Изток-Запад"

„Държавност и анархия“ е най-голямата творба на М. А. Бакунин, сред малкото написани на руски език. Подзаглавието „Борбата на две партии в Интернационалното общество на работниците“

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Natural Rights on the Threshold of the Scottish Enlightenment Natural Rights on the Threshold of the Scottish Enlightenment

Gershom Carmichael

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Carmichael was a Scottish jurist and philosopher who became the first Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow in 1727. His writings on natural rights theory, theology, and logic were very influential.

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Elements of Criticism Elements of Criticism

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Elements of Criticism is Kames’s most influential work. When it first appeared, in 1762, it was the most comprehensive philosophical work on “criticism” in English, and it was published in five editions during Kames’s lifetime and another forty editions over the next century. In America, Elements of Criticism served as a standard text for

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Elements of Criticism Elements of Criticism

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Elements of Criticism is Kames’s most influential work. When it first appeared, in 1762, it was the most comprehensive philosophical work on “criticism” in English, and it was published in five editions during Kames’s lifetime and another forty editions over the next century. In America, Elements of Criticism served as a standard text for

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Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

The Essays is commonly considered Kames’s most important philosophical work. In the first part, he sets forth the principles and foundations of morality and justice, attacking Hume’s moral skepticism and addressing the controversial issue of the freedom of human will. In the second part, Kames focuses on questions of metaphysics and

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The Making of Tocqueville's "Democracy in America" The Making of Tocqueville's "Democracy in America"

James T. Schleifer

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

It is impossible fully to understand the American experience apart from Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America. Moreover, it is impossible fully to appreciate Tocqueville by assuming that he brought to his visitation to America, or to the writing of his great work, a fixed philosophical doctrine. James T. Schleifer documents where, when, and

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Книги: 1081 - 1090 от общо 3739