Популярни книги

Economic Facts and Fallacies Economic Facts and Fallacies

Thomas Sowell

Издател: Basic Books

"Economic Facts and Fallacies" is designed for people who want to understand economic issues without getting bogged down in economic jargon, graphs, or political rhetoric. Writing in a lively manner that does not require any prior knowledge of economics, Thomas Sowell exposes some of the most popular fallacies about economic issues, including many

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Избрани произведения и документи в три тома Избрани произведения и документи в три тома

Асен Христофоров

Издател: Българска народна банка

Настоящият тритомник събира двете лица на Христофоров. Включено е всичко съществено от икономическото му творчество, но – донякъде необичайно за подобно издание – и фрагмент от

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Applied Economics Applied Economics

Thomas Sowell

Издател: Basic Books

This revised edition of Applied Economics is about fifty percent larger than the first edition. It now includes a chapter on the economics of immigration and new sections of other chapters on such topics as the “creative” financing of home-buying that led to the current “subprime” mortgage crisis, the economics of organ transplants, and

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Libertarianism, from A to Z Libertarianism, from A to Z

Jeffrey A. Miron

Издател: Basic Books

Libertarian principles seem basic enough—keep government out of boardrooms, bedrooms, and wallets, and let markets work the way they should. But what reasoning justifies these stances, and how can they be elucidated clearly and applied consistently? In Libertarianism, from A to Z, acclaimed Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron sets the record

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The Birth of Plenty The Birth of Plenty

William J. Bernstein

Издател: McGraw-Hill

“The Birth of Plenty is meant to be an economic history of the world. A tall order, for sure. But it delivers. Bernstein’s basic premise is that healthy institutions promote prosperity. In particular, countries must possess the following basic institutional ingredients in order to prosper: 1. Property Rights 2. The Scientific Method 3.

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Изкуството на войната на Сун Дзъ Изкуството на войната на Сун Дзъ

Карън Маккрийди

Издател: ИнфоДАР

Вече повече от две хиляди години трактатът на Сун Дзъ „Изкуството на войната” служи като безценен източник на мъдрост в областта на бойната тактика и управленческите стратегии и днес е

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Владетелят на Николо Макиавели Владетелят на Николо Макиавели

Тим Филипс

Издател: ИнфоДАР

Противоречивият и вдъхновяващ трактат на Николо Макиавели „Владетелят” (публикуван в България и като „Князът”) е все още актуален 500 години след първата му публикация. В основата на

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The Wild Wheel The Wild Wheel

Garet Garrett

Издател: Ludwig von Mises Institute

No one, but no one, tells the story of the Ford Motor Company like Garet Garrett. He loved machines and technology, and the markets that create and distribute them. He loved the car and its transforming effect on society. And he lived through it all and knows what he is talking about. Here he sees Henry Ford for the genius that he was, as an

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Why The West Rules – For Now Why The West Rules – For Now

Ian Morris

Издател: Profile Books

Sometime around 1750, English entrepreneurs unleashed the astounding energies of steam and coal, and the world was forever changed. The emergence of factories, railroads, and gunboats propelled the West’s rise to power in the nineteenth century, and the development of computers and nuclear weapons in the twentieth century secured its global

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The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk Management The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk Management

Francis X. Diebold , Neil A. Doherty , Richard J. Herring

Издател: Princeton University Press

A clear understanding of what we know, don't know, and can't know should guide any reasonable approach to managing financial risk, yet the most widely used measure in finance today--Value at Risk, or VaR--reduces these risks to a single number, creating a false sense of security among risk managers, executives, and regulators. This book introduces

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Книги: 111 - 120 от общо 3739