Популярни книги

The Libertarian Mind: A Manifesto for Freedom The Libertarian Mind: A Manifesto for Freedom

David Boaz

Издател: Simon & Schuster

Libertarianism: A Primer, by David Boaz, the longtime executive vice president of the Cato Institute, continues to be the best available guide to the history, ideas, and growth of this increasingly important political movement—and now it has been updated throughout and with a new title: The Libertarian Mind. Boaz has updated the book with

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Изключителните Изключителните

Малкълм Гладуел

Издател: Издателска къща „Жанет – 45”

Запитвали ли сте се защо някои хора са постигнали забележителен успех, докато други – също толкова способни – не са успели? Има ли някаква тайна зад невероятния успех на Бийтълс, Бил

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Why Nations Fail Why Nations Fail

James A. Robinson , Daron Acemoglu

Издател: Crown Publishers

"Why Nations Fail is a truly awesome book. Acemoglu and Robinson tackle one of the most important problems in the social sciences—a question that has bedeviled leading thinkers for centuries—and offer an answer that is brilliant in its simplicity and power. A wonderfully readable mix of history, political science, and economics, this book will

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Rich Dad Poor Dad Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Издател: Plata Publishing

Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences - his two fathers. This text lays out Kiyosaki's philosophy and his relationship with money.

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Основи на икономиката и бизнеса Основи на икономиката и бизнеса

Марк Сванепул

Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика

Назад към азбуката на благоденствието „… Всички общества трябва да разрешат някои важни проблеми преди да могат да се радват на просперитет. На първо място трябва да намерят начин да

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Основи на икономиката и бизнеса: Въпроси към учебния материал Основи на икономиката и бизнеса: Въпроси към учебния материал

Марк Сванепул

Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика

Учебна тетрадка с въпроси към материала. Удобно помагало за проверка на знанията по забавен начин, написано с характерния за Марк Сванепул стил. Въпросите за проверка ще намерите

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Handbook of Tobacco Taxation: Theory and Practice Handbook of Tobacco Taxation: Theory and Practice

Arthur Laffer

Издател: The Laffer Center at the Pacific Research Institute

Renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer recently released his Handbook of Tobacco Taxation – Theory and Practice. Published by The Laffer Center at the Pacific Research Institute, this 400-page handbook provides a comprehensive overview on all aspects of tobacco taxation. Laffer said, “One size does not fit all. Tobacco regulation and taxation

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Пушки, вируси и стомана Пушки, вируси и стомана

Джаред Даймънд

Издател: Издателство "Изток-Запад"

Авторът определя тази книга (спечелила "Пулицър" още след излизането си през 1997 г.) като кратка история на възловите събития от последните тринайсет хилядолетия на Земята. И тази история е

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Fatal Risk Fatal Risk

Roddy Boyd

Издател: John Wiley & Sons Ltd

The true story of how risk destroys, as told through the ongoing saga of AIG From the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, the subject of the financial crisis has been well covered. However, the story central to the crisis-that of AIG-has until now remained largely untold. Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide tells

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Inflated Inflated

R. Christopher Whalen

Издател: John Wiley and Sons Ltd

I first noticed the brains and talent in R. Christopher Whalen in 2007. I was a trader at Lehman and every time I saw Chris on CNBC I was blown away by his straight forward common sense approach to the inner workings of the world of modern finance. Chris called many ills of the financial crisis over a year before they happened. He’s made me a

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Книги: 151 - 160 от общо 3739