Николай Бердяев
Петият том съдържа: Царството на Духа и Царството на Кесаря (1949) За достойнството на християнството и...
Дейвид Боаз
“Либертарианството: въведение” на Дейвид Боаз е обобщение на една политическа философия, основаваща се на...
Чрез даряването на сума по Ваше желание, можете да подпомогнете набавянето на нови заглавия и подобряване на предоставяните от нас услуги
Samuel Pufendorf
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
John Millar
"The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks" is one of the major products of the Scottish Enlightenment and a masterpiece of jurisprudence and social theory. Building on David Hume, Adam Smith, and their respective natural histories of man, John Millar developed a progressive account of the nature of authority in society by analyzing changes in
"An Historical View of the English Government" consists of three parts, concerned with the most substantive revolutions in English government and manners: from the Saxon settlement to the Norman Conquest, from the Norman Conquest to the accession of James I, and from James I to the Glorious Revolution. Through these three phases Millar traces the
James Mackintosh
Vindiciae Gallicae was James Mackintosh’s first major publication, a contribution to the debate begun by Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France(published by Liberty Fund in 1999). The success of Mackintosh’s defense of the French Revolution propelled him into the heart of London Whig circles. The turn of events in France
Jean-Louis de Lolme
"The Constitution of England" is one of the most distinguished eighteenth-century treatises on English political liberty. In the vein of Charles Louis Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws (1748) and William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England(1765–1769), De Lolme’s account of the English system of government exercised an extensive
Robert H. Frank
Издател: Virgin Books
This book helps you discover the secrets behind hundreds of everyday enigmas. Why is there a light in your fridge but not in your freezer? Why do 24-hour shops bother having locks on their doors? Why did Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? The answer is simple: economics. Economics doesn't just happen in classrooms or international banks. It is
Жак Атали
Издател: Издателство "Рива"
"Настоящата криза един ден ще свърши и ще остави след себе си безброй жертви и малко победители. Възможно е обаче всеки от нас да успее да излезе от нея в доста по-добро състояние, отколкото е
Philip Zimbardo, John Boyd
Издател: Rider
Your every significant choice -- every important decision you make -- is determined by a force operating deep inside your mind: your perspective on time -- your internal, personal time zone. This is the most influential force in your life, yet you are virtually unaware of it. Once you become aware of your personal time zone, you can begin to see
Георги Ганев, Мартин Иванов
Издател: Издателство "Изток-Запад"
Книгата на Мартин Иванов и Георги Ганев “Бизнес елитите на България” разработва една непозната за историографията у нас област – интерлокингът на едрият бизнес в България в периодите
Книги: 931 - 940 от общо 3739