Популярни книги

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

Издател: Liberty Classics

Volume 2 of Smith’s great work on political economy. First published in 1776, the year in which the American Revolution officially began, Smith’s Wealth of Nations sparked a revolution of its own. In it Smith analyzes the major elements of political economy, from market pricing and the division of labor to monetary, tax, trade, and other

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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres

Adam Smith

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

The "Notes of Dr. Smith's Rhetorick Lectures," discovered in 1958 by a University of Aberdeen professor, consists of lecture notes taken by two of Smith's students at the University of Glasgow in 1762-1763. There are thirty lectures in the collection, all on rhetoric and the different kinds or characteristics of style. The book is divided into

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Index to the Works of Adam Smith Index to the Works of Adam Smith

Andrew S. Skinner, Knud Haakonssen

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith represents one of the best available editions of Adam Smith's monumental opus. For over fifteen years, Liberty Fund has made paperback editions of these classics accessible to a wider audience than ever before. Now, with the publication of a new comprehensive Index to the Works of

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Lectures on Jurisprudence  Lectures on Jurisprudence

Adam Smith

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence, originally delivered at the University of Glasgow in 1762-1763, present his "theory of the rules by which civil government ought to be directed." The chief purpose of government, according to Smith, is to preserve justice; and "the object of justice is security from injury." The state must protect the

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Essays on Philosophical Subjects Essays on Philosophical Subjects

Adam Smith

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Reflecting Adam Smith's wide learning and varied interests, these essays shed considerable light on his place in the Scottish Enlightenment. Included are histories of astronomy, ancient logic, and ancient physics; essays on the "imitative" arts and the affinity between music, dancing, and poetry; and a critical review of Samuel Johnson's famous

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The Correspondence of Adam Smith The Correspondence of Adam Smith

Adam Smith

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

This volume offers an engaging portrait of Smith through more than four hundred letters; also included are appendices with Smith's thoughts on the "Contest with America" and a collection of letters from Jeremy Bentham.

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Есета за предприемача Есета за предприемача

Фридрих Август фон Хайек, Лудвиг фон Мизес, Айн Ранд, Йозеф Алоиз Шумпетер , Израел Кирцнер, Франк Найт, Рандал Холкомб, Джефри Хербенер , Джоузеф Т. Салерно , Луелин Рокуел-младши

Издател: Институт за пазарна икономика

В настоящия сборник са представени някои изключително интересни текстове, които поставят предприемача в центъра на икономическите процеси. Тези текстове съвсем не изчерпват темата, а

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Between the Two World Wars: Monetary Disorder, Interventionism, Socialism, and the Great Depression Between the Two World Wars: Monetary Disorder, Interventionism, Socialism, and the Great Depression

Ludwig von Mises

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Ludwig von Mises, the author of such classics as Socialism and Human Action, is universally acknowledged as one of the most important classical liberals and economists of the twentieth century. In 1934, he left his native Austria in fear of the Nazis who seized all his papers in 1938 in Vienna and, Mises thought, destroyed them. But the papers

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The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction

Ludwig von Mises

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

When he fled Austria in 1934, Ludwig von Mises left behind a wealth of writings that, he supposed, were lost forever. Seized by the Nazi Gestapo, the papers were subsequently captured by the Soviet KGB and were archived in Moscow. Their discovery in 1996, by Professors Richard and Anna Ebeling of Hillsdale College, received widespread attention.

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Omnipotent Government Omnipotent Government

Ludwig von Mises

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

Published in 1944, during World War II, Omnipotent Government was Mises's first book written and published after he arrived in the United States. In this volume Mises provides in economic terms an explanation of the international conflicts that caused both world wars. Although written more than half a century ago, Mises's main theme still stands:

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Книги: 981 - 990 от общо 3739