
A History of Economic Thought A History of Economic Thought

Overton H. Taylor

Издател: McGraw-Hill

“O. H. Taylor’s “A History of Economic Thought: Social Ideals and Economic Theories from Quesnay to Keynes” is a book that embodies the fruits of his life-long studies and reflections, concerned with the history of economic theory and the relations of its main developments with the broad, general patterns of philosophical and over-all

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A History of Gold and Money: 1450-1920 A History of Gold and Money: 1450-1920

Pierre Vilar

Издател: Verso

For much of human history, the motive force behind war, conquest, social conflict and world exploration has been the drive to acquire gold. From the ancient world of Croesus to the wealthy dynasties of Renaissance Italy, from the earliest European explorations into Africa, America, and Asia to the gold rushes of the nineteenth century and the

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A History of Money A History of Money

Glyn Davies

Издател: University of Wales Press

This is a straight-forward, readable account, written with the minimum of jargon, of the central importance of money in the ordinary business of the life of different peoples throughout the ages from ancient times to the present day. First published in hardback in 1994 and selected by the American Libraries Association as an Outstanding Academic

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A History of Private Life A History of Private Life

Philippe Ariès , Georges Duby

Издател: Harvard University Press

he widely celebrated and sumptuously illustrated History of Private Life series traces a clear line from how society moved from an entirely-public to an almost entirely-private way of life. The five-volume collection shows how people's perceptions of themselves, their homes, their families, and their possessions changed, and how their ways of

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A History of Private Life A History of Private Life

Philippe Ariès , Georges Duby

Издател: Harvard University Press

This fifth and final volume in an award-winning series charts the inner history of our times from the tumult of World War I to the 1990s. Nine historians present a picture of cultures in transition and in the process scrutinize a myriad of subjects - the sacrament of confession, volunteer hotlines, Nazi policies toward the family, the baby boom,

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A History of Private Life A History of Private Life

Philippe Ariès , Georges Duby

Издател: Harvard University Press

Readers interested in history, and in the development of the modern sensibility, will relish this large-scale yet intimately detailed examination of the blossoming of the ordinary and extraordinary people of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. This third in the popular five-volume series celebrates the emergence of individualism and the

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A History of Private Life A History of Private Life

Philippe Ariès , Georges Duby

Издател: Harvard University Press

The nineteenth century was the golden age of private life, a time when the tentative self-consciousness of the Renaissance and earlier eras took recognizable form, and the supreme individual, with a political, scientific, and above all existential value, emerged. Volume IV of this award-winning series chronicles this development from the tumult of

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A History of Private Life A History of Private Life

Philippe Ariès , Georges Duby

Издател: Harvard University Press

The second volume of A History of Private Life is a treasure trove of rich and colorful detail culled from an astounding variety of sources. This absorbing ""secret epic"" constructs a vivid picture of peasant and patrician life in the eleventh to fifteenth centuries.

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A Journey A Journey

Tony Blair

Издател: Random House

Tony Blair is a politician who defines our times. His emergence as Labour Party leader in 1994 marked a seismic shift in British politics. Within a few short years, he had transformed his party and rallied the country behind him, becoming prime minister in 1997 with the biggest victory in Labour’s history, and bringing to an end eighteen years

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A Letter Concerning Toleration and Other Writings A Letter Concerning Toleration and Other Writings

John Locke

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

This volume brings together the principal writings on religious toleration and freedom of expression by one of the greatest philosophers in the Anglophone tradition. It contains not only Locke's canonical "Letter Concerning Toleration" (1689), but also his early "Essay Concerning Toleration" (1667), extracts from the "Third Letter for Toleration"

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