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Exploring Realpolitik Exploring Realpolitik

Thomas Cusack, Richard Stoll

Издател: Boulder

For thousands of years, Realpolitik has been the pre-eminent lens through which scholars and practitioners alike have examined international politics. Nevertheless, it remains controversial, generating quarrels at both the theoretical and the empirical levels. Positing that the vagueness of the key concepts of Realpolitik causes much of the

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External debt management External debt management

Thomas M. Klein

Издател: The world bank

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Eдин възможен подход за изграждане на симулационен макроикономически модел на България Eдин възможен подход за изграждане на симулационен макроикономически модел на България

Виктор Йоцов

Издател: БНБ

Трансформирането на централнопланираните икономики в пазарни е уникално по реда си събитие и за него няма установени правила. На основата на натрупания опитв макроикономическото

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Fact book 1999 Fact book 1999


Издател: DATA

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Factors and impacts in the information society Factors and impacts in the information society

Издател: European commission

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Factors for Economic Growth in Bulgaria Factors for Economic Growth in Bulgaria

Издател: Centre for Economic Development

CED efforts are proactively focused at shaping Bulgaria’s economic policy, at assisting economic reforms and establishing a functioning market economy in the country. The Center’s consistency and determination to accomplish its goals is obvious in the priority areas: Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy and Economic Growth. High Tech

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Книги: 241 - 250 от общо 1118