Ан Хелър
Айн Ранд е една от най-значимите и влиятелни жени на ХХ век. Страстен адвокат на капитализма и рационалния...
Адам Смит
Нито едно друго изследване не е хвърлило толкова светлина върху принципите и механизмите на икономиката,...
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Антонина Желязкова
Издател: Международен център по проблемите на малцинствата и културните взаимодействия
Това е 6-ият том от изследванията на Международния център по проблемите на малцинствата и културните взаимодействия от поредицата “Съдбата на мюсюлманските общности на Балканите”. Седемте
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Theodore F. T. Plucknett
Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.
As always during its long history, English common law, upon which American law is based, has had to defend itself against the challenge of civil law's clarity and traditions. That challenge to our common law heritage remains today. To that end, Liberty Fund now makes available a clear and candid discussion of common law. A Concise History of the
Daniel Defoe
Издател: Dover Publications
Despite varying titles, these are essentially the same book. Published in 1724, Defoe's chronicle of the scourges of the sea was a smashing success, finding a wide audience eager for tales of those cutthroat sailors who flew the skull and crossbones. The Dover edition is more scholarly, including several essays on Defoe, indexes (ships, names, and
1 глас, средно: 5 от 5
Philippe Ariès , Georges Duby
Издател: Harvard University Press
The nineteenth century was the golden age of private life, a time when the tentative self-consciousness of the Renaissance and earlier eras took recognizable form, and the supreme individual, with a political, scientific, and above all existential value, emerged. Volume IV of this award-winning series chronicles this development from the tumult of
The second volume of A History of Private Life is a treasure trove of rich and colorful detail culled from an astounding variety of sources. This absorbing ""secret epic"" constructs a vivid picture of peasant and patrician life in the eleventh to fifteenth centuries.
he widely celebrated and sumptuously illustrated History of Private Life series traces a clear line from how society moved from an entirely-public to an almost entirely-private way of life. The five-volume collection shows how people's perceptions of themselves, their homes, their families, and their possessions changed, and how their ways of
This fifth and final volume in an award-winning series charts the inner history of our times from the tumult of World War I to the 1990s. Nine historians present a picture of cultures in transition and in the process scrutinize a myriad of subjects - the sacrament of confession, volunteer hotlines, Nazi policies toward the family, the baby boom,
Readers interested in history, and in the development of the modern sensibility, will relish this large-scale yet intimately detailed examination of the blossoming of the ordinary and extraordinary people of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. This third in the popular five-volume series celebrates the emergence of individualism and the
George Vernadsky
Издател: Yale University Press
Generally recognized as the standard one-volume history of Russia, this monumental work examines the social, religious, and cultural as well as the political and economic aspects of Russian civilization from the earliest times to the present Cold War. The last third of the book discusses the revolution of 1917 and the emergence of the Soviet
H.W. Brands
Издател: Doubleday
From bestselling historian H. W. Brands, a sweeping chronicle of how a few wealthy businessmen reshaped America from a land of small farmers and small businessmen into an industrial giant. The three decades after the Civil War saw a wholesale shift in American life, and the cause was capitalism. Driven by J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D.
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