
Predictably Irrational Predictably Irrational

Dan Ariely

Издател: HarperCollins Publishers

Irrational behavior is a part of human nature, but as MIT professor Ariely has discovered in 20 years of researching behavioral economics, people tend to behave irrationally in a predictable fashion. Drawing on psychology and economics, behavioral economics can show us why cautious people make poor decisions about sex when aroused, why patients

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Price Theory and Its Uses Price Theory and Its Uses

Donald Stevenson Watson

Издател: Houghton Mifflin Company

Recognized for its clear writing style, this successful and carefully organized text takes the student step by step through the important themes of neoclassical microeconomics. It features a variety of applications, numerical illustrations and graphs with detailed captions. Each chapter has description diagrams, applications, problems and

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Study Guide for  Stiglitz and Walsh's Economics Study Guide for Stiglitz and Walsh's Economics

Lawrence W. Martin

Издател: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

This Study Guide is designed to aid in your understanding, assimilation, and the use of the material in Joseph Stiglitz and Carl Walsh's "Economics", third edition. The chapters in this volume correspond those in the main text, and each one is divided into three parts. The first part contains a Chapter Review, an Essential Concepts section, and a

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The Firm, the Market, and the Law The Firm, the Market, and the Law

R. H. Coase

Издател: Тhe University of Chicago Press

"The Nature of the Firm" (1937), is an influential article by Ronald Coase. It offered an economic explanation of why individuals choose to form partnerships, companies and other business entities rather than trading bilaterally through contracts on a market. Given that "production could be carried on without any organization that is, firms at

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The Intelligent Investor The Intelligent Investor

Benjamin Graham

Издател: HarperCollins Publishers

The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham's philosophy of ""value investing"" - which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies - has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication

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The Organization of Industry The Organization of Industry

George Stigler

Издател: R. D. Irwin

The Organization of Industry collects essays written over two decades—pieces prepared especially for this volume, previously unpublished material, and reprinted articles drawn from numerous sources, many which include additional commentary by the author. The essays are unified by George J. Stigler's careful analysis and by his clear and witty

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Triumph of the City Triumph of the City

Edward Glaeser

Издател: The Penguin Press

A pioneering urban economist offers fascinating, even inspiring proof that the city is humanity's greatest invention and our best hope for the future. America is an urban nation. More than two thirds of us live on the 3 percent of land that contains our cities. Yet cities get a bad rap: they're dirty, poor, unhealthy, crime ridden, expensive,

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2 гласа, средно: 5 от 5

Икономика на енергийните ресурси Икономика на енергийните ресурси

Атанас Георгиев

Издател: Софийски университет "Св.Климент Охридски"

Настоящият труд разглежда несъответствието между потребностите за знания по темата "Икономика на енергийните ресурси в България" и наличните научни публикации. Изданието допринася за

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Микроикономика Микроикономика

Стоядин Савов , Екатерина Сотирова

Издател: Тракия-М

Учeбникът пo микpoикoнoмикa съдъpжa слeднитe тeми: въвeдeниe в Микpoикoнoмиксa; тъpсeнe и пpeдлaгaнe нa индивидуaлнитe пaзapи; тъpсeнe и пoтpeбитeлскo пoвeдeниe; тeopия нa пpoизвoдствoтo и фиpмeнaтa opгaнизaция; aнaлиз нa

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Микроикономикс Микроикономикс


Издател: Тракия - М

Учебникът по микроикономикс е предназначен за студенти по икономика, за обучаващи се в бизнес школи и за всички, които се интересуват от езика и правилата на пазарното стопанство. Достъпният

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Книги: 11 - 20 от общо 22