Във втория том ексклузивното издание „Рейтинг на висшите училища в България 2011” можете да намерите...
Румен Аврамов
Книгата е пътуване из икономическата култура на първия български капитализъм, оформяла се от...
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Издател: ECRE
0 гласа, средно: 0 от 5
Walter N. Thurman
Издател: The AEI press
This book is a study of the ways in which U.S. agriculture policies contribute to or help to ameliorate the adverse effects of farming on the environment.
Tzvetan Todorov
Издател: Éditions de l` Aube
One of the most terrible legacies of our century is the concentration camp. Countless men and women have passed through camps in Nazi Germany, Communist China, and the Soviet bloc countries. In his book Tzvetan Todorov singles out the experience of one country where the concentration camps were particularly brutal and emblematic of the horrors of
Erich Weede
Издател: Liberal Verlag GmbH
The quantitative literature comes fairly close to general agreement on the following four propositions from economics, political sociology and international relations: First, democracies rarely fight each other. This does not say that democracies fight fewer wars than other regimes. It is even compatible with the view that the risk of war between
Издател: Balkan Political Club Foundation
The Balkan Political Club is a local initiative of prominent politicians and intellectuals willing to work for the recovery and reconstruction of the Balkans as a region that is on a par with the rest of Europe.
Ernest Gellner
Издател: Klett-Cotta
Worauf gründet sich die Zivilgesellschaft, von der überall gesprochen wird? Der berühmte britische Sozialanthropologe Ernest Gellner zieht historische Vergleiche und wagt Vermutungen über die Zukunft. Das Ergebnis ist ein ergreifendes Essayüber die Chancen unserer Lebensform.
Vinod Thomas, John Nash
Издател: The World Bank
This work draws on a unique body of evidence from developing countries in the 1980s to assess how much trade liberalization has really taken place, what economic gains were expected and realized, and why the outcomes have varied from one country to another. Using a variety of data, the authorsexamine the political economy of trade liberalization
Издател: Crown copyright
Malcolm Gladwell
Издател: Back Bay Books
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is a 2005 book by Malcolm Gladwell. It presents in popular science format research from psychology and behavioral economics on the adaptive unconscious; mental processes that work rapidly and automatically from relatively little information. It considers both the strengths of the adaptive unconscious,
2 гласа, средно: 4 от 5
Denis MacShane
Издател: I.B.TAURIS
Shoud Britain leave the EU? Are you ready to make your decision? With a national referendum on UK membership set for 23 June the question of "Brexit"- a British exit from the EU - sits at very top of the political agenda. Former Minister for Europe Denis MacShane spells out the stark choice facing UK voters - and provides all the tools for making
Книги: 21 - 30 от общо 506