A History of Economic Thought
Overton H. Taylor
Издател: McGraw-Hill
“O. H. Taylor’s “A History of Economic Thought: Social Ideals and Economic Theories from Quesnay to Keynes” is a book that embodies the fruits of his life-long studies and reflections, concerned with the history of economic theory and the relations of its main developments with the broad, general patterns of philosophical and over-all
Constitution Makers on Constitution Making
Robert A. Goldwin (editor) , Art Kaufman (editor)
Издател: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Eighty new constitutions, more than half of the written national constitutions in effect, have been written and adopted just since 1974, an average of more than five a year. At a time when the United States is observing the two-hundreth anniversary of its Constitution, the median age of all constitutions in the world is less than fifteen years.
A New American Tea Party
John O'Hara
Издател: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
On April 15, 2009, a grassroots contingency of Americans that would soon become known around the world as the Tea Party made front-page news. Angered by years of excessive government spending-taxpayer financed bailouts of businesses deemed too big to fail and taxpayer handouts to special interest groups-Americans of all ages and all walks of life
Malcolm Gladwell
Издател: Back Bay Books
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is a 2005 book by Malcolm Gladwell. It presents in popular science format research from psychology and behavioral economics on the adaptive unconscious; mental processes that work rapidly and automatically from relatively little information. It considers both the strengths of the adaptive unconscious,
Privatizing Federal Spending
Stuart M. Bulter
Издател: Universe Books
Our national leaders have yet to come up with a workable solution to the massive federal budget deficit. But as Stuart Butler observes, failure to reduce federal spending actually stems from a failure to understand the political dynamics of budget growth…
Dr. Butler proposes a series of practical measures for managing national assets more
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