Depreciation, Inflation, and the Taxation of Income from Capital
Charles R. Hulten (ed.)
Издател: The Uban Institute Press
Few areas of the U.S. Tax Code have been changed or revised more frequently than those sections relating to depreciable assets…Unfortunately, none of these changes anticipated the high rates of inflation of the 1970s, and the tax treatment of depreciable assets has once again surfaced as a major issue in the debate of tax reform. The basic
The Theory of Economic Growth
W. Arthur Lewis
Издател: Harper Torchbooks
The Theory of Economic Growth offers a comprehensive framework for viewing economic change and gives an overview of a subject that had not had a general overview, in Lewis's opinion, since John Stuart Mill published his "Principles of Political Economy" in 1848.
Balance of Power, Globalization and the Capitalist Peace
Erich Weede
Издател: Liberal Verlag GmbH
The quantitative literature comes fairly close to general agreement on the following four propositions from economics, political sociology and international relations: First, democracies rarely fight each other. This does not say that democracies fight fewer wars than other regimes. It is even compatible with the view that the risk of war between
The Concise Guide to Economics
Jim Cox
Издател: Laissez Faire Books
The purpose of this work is to allow the reader who is interested in some difficult economic topics to grasp them and the free market viewpoint with very little effort. Having experienced the frustration of attempting to counter some of the statist viewpoints common in economic texts, news stories and other works and in discussions without such a
Einführung in die Geldtheorie
Otmar Issing
Издател: Verlag Vahlen
Dieses Buch will den studentischen Leser an den Stand der geldpolitischen Diskussio heranführen, ohne ihn jedoch durch eine Fülle kontroverser Meinungen in den Zustand der Ratlosigkeit zu versetzen.
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