
The True Believer The True Believer

Eric Hoffer

Издател: HarperCollins Publishers

The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements is a 1951 social psychology book by Eric Hoffer that discusses the psychological causes of fanaticism. The book analyzes and attempts to explain the motives of the various types of personalities that give rise to mass movements; why and how mass movements start, progress and end; and the

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The Utilitarians The Utilitarians

Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill

Издател: Dolphin Books

AND LEGISLATION had important effects on political and legal reform in his own time and continues to provide insights for political theorists and philosophers of law. Seven chapters of Bentham's Principles are here in their entirety, together with a number of shorter selections, including one in which Bentham repudiates the slogan often used to

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The Utilitarians The Utilitarians

Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill

Издател: Anchor Books

This volume includes the complete texts of two of John Stuart Mill's most important works, UTILITARIANISM and ON LIBERTY, and selections from his other writings, including the complete text of his REMARKS ON BENTHAM'S PHILOSOPHY. The selection from Mill's A SYSTEM OF LOGIC is of special relevance to the debate between those who read Mill as an

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The Great Democracies The Great Democracies

Winston S. Churchill

Издател: Bantam Books Inc.

This last volume spans the period between 1815 and 1901. It draws to a close when the British Empire is at its peak - with a staggering one-fifth of the human race presided over by the longest reigning monarch in British history. Queen Victoria. As with the other volumes it is a history not only of the English-speaking peoples, but also for the

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The Bureaucratic Leviathan The Bureaucratic Leviathan

Maria Hirszowicz

Издател: Martin Robertson

This book analyses the central feature of communist societies in Eastern Europe: their complete subordination to a bureaucratic apparatus and effectively controls every aspect of social life. The evolution of bureaucracy in the East, its impact upon society and its complex networks of social control form the focus of this important study.

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The European Institutions as an Interest Group The European Institutions as an Interest Group

Roland Vaubel

Издател: The Institute of Economic Affairs

The institutions of the European Union are gaining more and more power at the expense of national and local governments, as well as individuals and private businesses. There would appear to be no reverse gear in this process, while objections from the general public, as expressed in periodic referenda, tend to be brushed aside. This

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The Economics of European Integration The Economics of European Integration

Willem Molle

Издател: Аshgate Publishing Company

Through four previous editions The Economics of European Integration by Willem Molle has established itself as a preferred textbook for students of the economics of the EU as well as a reliable reference work for those with a professional interest in the European Union. Carefully revised, this fifth edition takes into account changes in course

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The Dollar Meltdown The Dollar Meltdown

Charles Goyette

Издател: Portfolio

"THE DOLLAR MELTDOWN is a book about the financial future and what you can do about it. And you can do something! You don’t have to be a financial professional, expose yourself to risky leverage, or worry about every tick of the markets… Once you understand the nature of the crisis you will discover that there are common-sense steps you can

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За принципите на политическата икономия и данъчното облагане За принципите на политическата икономия и данъчното облагане

Дейвид Рикардо

Издател: Партиздат

Написан през 1817 г., прочутият трактат на Дейвид Рикардо "За принципите на политическата икономия и данъчното облагане", полага основните принципи на пазарната икономика. В него за първи път

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Свободно падане Свободно падане

Джоузеф Стиглиц

Издател: ИнфоДАР

Как най-голямата икономика в света се озова в състояние на свободно падане? Какви политики и събития отключиха големия срив през 2008 г.? Как и защо допуснахме това да се случи, след като тази

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Книги: 931 - 940 от общо 1582