
The History of the American Revolution, vol. 2 The History of the American Revolution, vol. 2

David Ramsay

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

The History of the American Revolution has enjoyed a resurgence of interest in the last twenty-five years. We learn from Ramsay the interpreter of his present and his past. We learn about the intellectual predilections of the eighteenth-century historian: the values, assumptions, principles, and expectations of one who lived and wrote amidst the

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The Undercover Economist The Undercover Economist

Tim Harford

Издател: Random House Inc.

Who really makes money from fair trade coffee? Why is it impossible to buy a decent second hand car? How do the Mafia make money from laundries when street gangs pushing drugs don’t? Who really benefits from immigration? Looking at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways, The Undercover Economist is a fresh explanation of the fundamental

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Doors to Democracy: Current Trends and Practices in Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking in the Newly Independent States Doors to Democracy: Current Trends and Practices in Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking in the Newly Independent States


Издател: Regional Environmental Center For Central and Eastern Europe

This volume is also part of a series of publications that attempts to draw conclusions on a pan-European level by taking an overview of trends and practices in the NIS countries, Central and Eastern European region and the Western countries. The series is being prepared through a cooperative effort by the REC, the European Environmental Bureau and

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The Impossible State The Impossible State

Victor Cha

Издател: The Bodley Head

Much discussed and often maligned, precious little is known or understood about North Korea, the world’s most controversial and isolated country. Victor Cha attempts to pull back the curtain, providing insights into North Korea’s history, and the rise of the Kim family dynasty. The Impossible State illuminates the regime’s complex economy

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After the Welfare State After the Welfare State

Tom Palmer

Издател: Jameson Books Inc.

The welfare state is responsible for two current crises: the financial crisis that has slowed down or even reversed growth and stalled economies around the world, and the debt crisis that is gripping Europe, the United States, and other countries. It has piled mountains of debt on the shoulders of the most vulnerable among us—children and young

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Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion

Henry Home, Lord Kames

Издател: Liberty Fund, Inc.

The Essays is commonly considered Kames’s most important philosophical work. In the first part, he sets forth the principles and foundations of morality and justice, attacking Hume’s moral skepticism and addressing the controversial issue of the freedom of human will. In the second part, Kames focuses on questions of metaphysics and

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The Quants The Quants

Scott Patterson

Издател: Random House Business Books

How would you feel if you outperformed the market, year after year? Would you become convinced that the good times were here to stay, that nothing could possibly go wrong? And how would you then feel if everything suddenly collapsed around you? Quants - quantitative analysts - were the maths geniuses let loose in Wall Street's candy store, and

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The Invisible Heart The Invisible Heart

Russell Roberts

Издател: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A romance from MIT Press? Yes, because it’s devoted to radical economic ideas delivered as marvelously inventive fiction. Business scholar and NPR commentator Roberts (The Choice: A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism, 1993, not reviewed) hangs his debut novel on a trick, which of course we can’t give away, but think clever twists à la The

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Great Myths of the Great Depression Great Myths of the Great Depression

Lawrence W. Reed

Издател: Macinac Center, Foundation for Economic Education

Students today are often given a skewed account of the Great Depression of 1929-1941 that condemns free-market capitalism as the cause of, and promotes government intervention as the solution to, the economic hardships of the era. In this essay based on a popular lecture, Mackinac Center for Public Policy President Lawrence W. Reed debunks the

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Accent on the Right Accent on the Right

Leonard E. Read

Издател: Foundation for Economic Education

"DEDICATION of a book is a writer's way of paying respect to someone, or of acknowledging a devoted helper, or of honoring a loved one - and, as a rule, the tribute is to a contemporary. Why, then, my dedication to Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)? First, Bastiat is one of my heroes. I am unaware of anyone who saw more clearly through the political

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