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Governing by Network
Stephen Goldsmith , William D. Eggers
Издател: The Brooking Institution Press
Governing by Network examines, for the first time, government’s transformation from centralized control over public programs to facilitating services through networks of nongovernmental entities, as seen through the experience of dozens of public innovators.
In this model, the role of government is transformed from direct service provider to
Gun Control on Trial
Brian Doherty
Издател: Cato Institute
Clearly supportive of the Supreme Court's decision, Doherty (a senior editor of Reason magazine) tells the story of District of Columbia v. Heller, the landmark 2008 case which struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 and affirmed, for the first time in US history, the Bill of Rights protection of the "right of the
Economic Harmonies
Frédéric Bastiat
Издател: The Foundation for Economic Education
Frédéric Bastiat has said that the Harmonies is a counterpart to Economic Sophisms, and, while the latter pulls down, the Harmonies builds up. Charles Gide and Charles Rist in a standard treatise, A History of Economic Doctrines, have referred to “the beautiful unity of conception of the Harmonies,” and added, “we are by no means certain
Climate Change Policy
Colin Robinson
Издател: IEA
There is currently a consensus amongst the political establishment -- and amongst the intellectual communities that feed into it -- that detailed and wide-ranging government intervention is necessary to combat the effects of climate change. This monograph challenges that consensus. The authors look in detail at a number of the underlying,
The Crisis Hits Home
Издател: The World Bank
The report analyses household vulnerabilities by examining credit markets, external prices (food and fuel), and income shocks during the crisis and by assessing their impact on household welfare. Because actual household survey data over the crisis period will typically not be available for some time to come, we use the most recent pre-crisis
България и световната криза
Васил Радославов
Издател: Българска академия на науките
В съчинението си д-р В. Радославов се спира на ограничен кръг въпроси, отнасящи се до участието на България в Първата световна война или "световната криза", както сам определя световния пожар
Книги: 1821 - 1830 от общо 3739