Популярни книги
Primal Leadership
Daniel Goleman , Richard E. Boyatzis , Annie McKee
Издател: Harvard Business Review Press
Drawing from decades of research within world-class organizations, the authors show that great leaders excel not just through skill and smarts, but by connecting with others using Emotional Intelligence competencies like empathy and self-awareness. The best leaders, they show, have "resonance"--a powerful ability to drive emotions in a positive
Европейският съюз. Справочник
Дик Ленард
Издател: Книжен тигър
Най-продаваният справочник, в който ще намерите информация за историята и развитието на Европейския съюз; структурата; механизма на работа на институциите; ефектите от единния пазар и
Policies, Institutions and the Dark Side of Economics
Vito Tanzi
Издател: Edward Elgar Publishing
Tanzi has been director of the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department for two decades, which has put him in contact with tax authorities in numerous countries. These essays, some previously published, focus on the practical and institutional side of fiscal affairs, especially tax policy. Much of the book concerns tax evasion, the underground economy,
Lectures on Regulatory and Competition Policy
Irwin M. Stelzer
Издател: Institute of Economic Affairs
For many years, Dr Irwin Stelzer, the economic commentator and journalist, has been stimulating audiences around the world with lectures on a range of economic topics.
In this volume, the IEA reprints revised versions of twelve lectures in three areas where Dr Stelzer is acknowledged as an expert - competition policy and the form it should take;
Frédéric Bastiat
Издател: Société d'Édition Les Belles Lettre
Les Pamphlets de Bastiat (1801-1850) édités sous ce titre en 1850 et complétés par le célèbre Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas excèdent en réalité le genre pamphlétaire convenu. Ce sont autant de brefs mais denses essais à visée pédagogique conjuguant critique de la spoliation impliquée par les projets étatistes et socialistes
Джеймс Джойс
Издател: Издателство "Изток-Запад"
Eднoвpeмeннo aбcтpaктнo, интeлeктуaлнo и пpoвoкиpaщo, пoвecтвoвaниeтo нa „Одиceй” e c eнциклoпeдични пpoпopции. Иcтopиятa имa кoлкoтo литepaтуpни, тoлкoвa и чиcтo eкcпepимeнтaлни xapaктepиcтики и кaчecтвa, a пocтигнaтият peзултaт
История на ислямската философия
Анри Корбен
Издател: Център за изследване на ислямската цивилизация
Световноизвестният френски ислямовед Анри Корбен (1903-1978 г.) разтърси изоснови с колосалното си творчество представите на Запада за духовните измерения на исляма. Великолепен познавач както
All You Need to Know About the City 2011
Christopher Stoakes
Издател: Longtail Publishing Limited
The global financial crisis has made what goes in the City of London's financial markets more important and relevant than ever.
What is the credit crunch and sub-prime lending? What are toxic tranches and SIVs and why do they matter?
If you're working in, or are thinking of working in the City, this book gives you the answers. Designed to be a
The First Industrial Nation: The Economic History of Britain 1700-1914
Peter Mathias
Издател: Routledge
This celebrated and seminal text examines the industrial revolution, from its genesis in pre-industrial Britain, through its development and into maturity. A chapter-by-chapter analysis explores topics such as economic growth, agriculture, trade finance, labour and transport.
First published in 1969, The First Industrial Nation is widely
Книги: 1031 - 1040 от общо 3739