Henry Kissinger is the famous American diplomat. His new book, On China, is a fine history of the “Central State” focusing on the late Qing and early Communist periods. On China is destined to be assigned reading in graduate schools for years,
The Law, original French title La Loi, is a 1850 book by Frederic Bastiat. It was written at Mugron two years after the third French Revolution of 1848 and a few months before his death of tuberculosis at age 49. The essay was influenced by John
The great eighteenth-century theorist of international law Emer de Vattel (1714–1767) was a key figure in sustaining the practical and theoretical influence of natural jurisprudence through the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. Coming toward the
America's federal income tax code is a horror of incomprehensible complexity, corruption, and opportunity-killing provisions. Meanwhile, our competitive position in the world economy is being threatened and undermined by a worldwide wave of tax
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