Препоръчани книги

The First Industrial Nation: The Economic History of Britain 1700-1914 The First Industrial Nation: The Economic History of Britain 1700-1914

Peter Mathias

This celebrated and seminal text examines the industrial revolution, from its genesis in pre-industrial Britain, through its development and into maturity. A chapter-by-chapter analysis explores topics such as economic growth, agriculture, trade

The American Commonwealth The American Commonwealth

James Bryce

As an author, Bryce quickly became well known in America for his 1888 work, The American Commonwealth. The book thoroughly examined the institutions of the United States from the point of view of a historian and constitutional lawyer, and it at once

Talent is Overrated Talent is Overrated

Geoffrey Colvin

Geoff Colvin expands upon his FORTUNE article "What It Takes to Be Great" in this positive reinforcement manifesto. The author makes the point that it's not one's learned experience, or even natural aptitude, but the training process that creates

An Introduction to Economic Reasoning An Introduction to Economic Reasoning

David Gordon

This high-school text, published in May 2000, is aimed at teaching the intelligent young reader how to think about economic problems in a manner consistent with the Austrian School tradition. Its chapters on action, preference, demand and supply,


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