Препоръчани книги

The Calculus of Consent The Calculus of Consent

Gordon Tullock

The Calculus of Consent is divided into four parts, each consisting of several chapters. The introduction by Professor Rowley provides a short overview of the book and identifies key insights that permeated the bounds of economics and political

Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2016 Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2016

Desislava Nikolova, Ph.D., Alexander Tsvetkov, Ph.D., Petar Ganev, Yavor Aleksiev, Zornitsa Slavova

This is the fifth annual edition of the Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development periodical study of socio-economic development in Bulgarion regionsq the only one of this type and scaleq prepared by the IME. Analysis is based on 63 indicators

Атлас изправи рамене Атлас изправи рамене

Айн Ранд

Втората част на този великолепен философски трилър е фокусирана върху Дагни Тагарт и нейната мъчителна дилема как да остане вярна на

Liberalism Liberalism

Ludwig von Mises

The term "liberalism" comes from the Latin word liber meaning "free." Mises defines liberalism as "the liberal doctrine of the harmony of the rightly understood interests of all members of a free society founded on the principle of private ownership


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-  Он-лайн търсене и запазване на книги

-  Известяване за нови заглавия

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-  Разнообразна програма от срещи, дискусии, обсъждания на книги и автори, прожекции на кратки филмчета.


... и всичко това за абонамент на цената на една книга




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