Boettke selected contributors who were basically supportive of three Austrian themes—methodological individualism, subjectivism, and the spontaneous order. He asked each to contribute an original paper on a topic in the field of Austrian economics
The Revolt of the Masses is the English translation of José Ortega y Gasset's La rebelión de las masas. The original was first published in 1929; the English translation, first published two years later, was authorized by the author. In this
Hippolyte Taine’s The French Revolution, which is written from the viewpoint of conservative French opinion, is a unique and important contribution to revolutionary historiography. Taine condemns the radicals of the French Revolution,
Liberty Fund is proud to present, in two volumes, The Collected Works of Armen A. Alchian, bringing together Alchian’s most influential essays, articles, editorials, and lectures to provide a comprehensive record of his thinking on a broad range
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Стремежът ни е Библиотеката на ИПИ да се превърне във важен център на знанието в България, включително място за дебати и обсъждания на икономически теми.