Препоръчани книги

For the New Intellectual For the New Intellectual

Ayn Rand

Following the publication of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand transitioned to writing nonfiction philosophical works. The first book she published was For the New Intellectual, a collection of the philosophic speeches from her novels. The book begins with a

Antony Fisher: Champion of Liberty Antony Fisher: Champion of Liberty

Gerald Frost

Antony Fisher's achievements throughout a varied and fascinating life were extraordinary. A successful entrepreneur from his twenties, and a decorated Battle of Britain fighter pilot in World War II, he later introduced chicken factory-farming to

On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation

David Ricardo

On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation provides analysis of the allocation of money between capitalists, landowners, and agricultural workers in Britain. Through this analysis, Ricardo came to advocate free trade and oppose Britain's

Flat Tax Revolution Flat Tax Revolution

Steve Forbes

America's federal income tax code is a horror of incomprehensible complexity, corruption, and opportunity-killing provisions. Meanwhile, our competitive position in the world economy is being threatened and undermined by a worldwide wave of tax


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-  Заглавия от класацията на Амазон Топ 100 в областта на икономиката

-  Он-лайн търсене и запазване на книги

-  Известяване за нови заглавия

-  Ежедневно попълване на фонда

-  Разнообразна програма от срещи, дискусии, обсъждания на книги и автори, прожекции на кратки филмчета.


... и всичко това за абонамент на цената на една книга




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