Препоръчани книги

The Age of Revolution: Europe, 1789-1848 The Age of Revolution: Europe, 1789-1848

Eric Hobsbawm

Eric Hobsbawm traces with brilliant analytical clarity the transformation brought about in every sphere of European life by the Dual revolution - the 1789 French revolution and the Industrial Revolution that originated in Britain. This enthralling

Финансовият крах Финансовият крах

Йохан Норберг

Историята на последната буря на глобалните пазари е история за това как държавната намеса, предприета с цел да изведе икономиката от

Business and Economic Principles Business and Economic Principles

Marc Swanepoel

In 1975 Marc and some of his friends became concerned about the political problems South Africa was facing. They considered Apartheid an extreme form of Socialism and formed the Free Market Foundation of Southern Africa (FMF) as an institution to

The Plan: Twelve Months to Renew Britain The Plan: Twelve Months to Renew Britain

Douglas Carswell, Daniel Hannan

Britain is heading in the wrong direction. The British people are giving up on politics and politicians. The Plan is a book that sets out how to put Britain on the right track again. The Plan proposes to restore meaning to the ballot box, freedom


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Стремежът ни е Библиотеката на ИПИ да се превърне във важен център на знанието в България, включително място за дебати и обсъждания на икономически теми.