Ajay Chhibber is U.N. Assistant Secretary General and Director of the U.N. Development Program's Regional Bureau for Asia and Pacific.
Mr. Chhibber has had a very diverse career at the World Bank for over 25 years covering both research and policy issues, and has worked across Asia. Currently he is the Country Director for Vietnam, where he manages over $1billion in lending. He has previously been Director of the Independent Evaluation Group and a manager in the Eastern European and Asian Departments of the World Bank. He was Staff Director on the World Development Report in 1997 and has served as a Senior Economist at the World Bank. He has published widely on development and policy issues.
Before joining the World Bank Mr. Chhibber was a consultant researcher for FAO and the International Food Policy Research Institute. Prior to that he worked at the Indian Planning Commission and was also a lecturer in economics at the University of Delhi.
He holds a PhD from Stanford University and an MA from the Delhi School of Economics.