Volume 10 Number 4 December 1998
Will Russia Achieve Fast Economic Growth?
Vladimir Popov 421
Industrial Restructuring in Ukraine Seven Years After Independence: From Socialism to a Planning Economy?
Christian von Hirschhausen 451
Banks as 'Agents of Change': Experience with Restructuring of Bad Debts in Poland
Robert Chudzik 467
Dominant Shareholders, Restructuring and Performance of Privatised Companies in Russia: An Analysis and Some Policy Implications
Sergei Aukutsionek, Igor Filatochev, Rostislav Kapelyushnikov & Vladimir Zhukov 495
Small Business in the Russian Provinces: Case Study Evidence from Volgograd
Gennady Polonsky 519
An Analysis of Milk Processing in Bulgaria: Policy Implications of Market Structure, Prices and Production Trends During Economic Transition
Margarita Mihaylova & Keith S. Howe 539
A Note on Associations of Small Entrepreneurs in the Market Economy of St. Petersburg
E. M. Belova & T. V. Khabarina 557
Dismantling the State Sector: a Supplementary Note
Tomasz Mickiewicz 561