Икономика на труда, образованието, здравеопазването

Developing the Potential of the Individually Funded Pension Systems

Presentations given at the International Seminar 'Developing the Potential of the Individually Funded Pension Systems', organised by FIAP, on May 6 and 7, 2010, in Vina del Mar, Chile

Автор(и) : collective

Издател : International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators (FIAP)

Място на издаване : Santiago, Chile

Година на издаване : 2010

ISBN : 978-956-8853-05-1

Брой страници : 300

Език : английски


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On May 6 and 7, 2010 in Vina del Mar, Chile took place the International Seminar Developing the Potential of the Individually Funded Pension Systems.
The main purpose of the Seminar organized by FIAP together with the Chilean AFP Assoctiation was to identify means and instruments whereby the pension fund managers can broaden their current efforts for solving the pension problem and furthermore, extend them to other areas of interest so as to improve the quality of the population's social security protection.
There was three approaches for meeting this objective. In the first place, different ways were explored in which the individually funded programs can extend their coverage to sectors of the population that are not currently engaged in pension saving or are doing so through other types of vehicles that are less appropriate for providing an effective solution to the pensions issue. Secondly, ways were explored whereby the pensions industry can take advantage of its experience and capacity for attending to other social needs of the population. Finally, organization and process alternatives that enable improving the operational management and effectiveness of the industry were analyzed.

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