
Dismantling the State

The Theory and for Policy Analysis Practice of Privatization

Автор(и) : Madsen Pirie

Издател : National Center for Policy Analysis

Място на издаване : Washington, USA

Година на издаване : 1985

ISBN : 0-906517-52-3

Брой страници : 115

Език : английски


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“Dismantling the State” is a comprehensive review of the widespread replacement of public-sector activities by private-sector alternatives that has been happening remorselessly in Britain since Mrs Thatcher was elected in 1979. But it does not merely list the countless examples of where private services – with their associated benefits of consumer choice and the stimulus of competition – have triumphed over the philosophy of public ownership. It draws them together into a coherent analytical framework which helps us to identify and to understand the strategy and tactics of the Thatcher privatization program.

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