
Evaluating of the Post Privatization Monitoring System in Bulgaria

Автор(и) : collective

Издател : CASE

Място на издаване : Bulgaria, Sofia

Година на издаване : 2000

ISBN : 954-8624-09-5

Брой страници : 58

Език : Aнглийски


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Тhe authors of this document hope that their findings will contribute to the public debate on the role of government in the concluding stage of the privatisation process and will help improve privatisation bodies in accordance with the expressed commitments of the government. Its recommendations and conclusions are based on a Center for Social and Economic Research survey of eleven privatised companies, the study of the privatisation contracts of these companies and structured interviews with seven senior privatisation officials. The prevailing perception among the officials of the privatisation bodies is that their job is not just to transfer the property but to find good new owners and commit them to developing the company. This is the rationale behind the use of closed procedures, which means the privatisation process loses its transparency and leads candidates into a blind competition, which forces them to submit business plans which are hardly achievable. . The idea behind post-privatisation control is that the government will have a means to interfere in the economy, an assumption which should be abandoned in a market economy.

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