Икономическа политика

Forever Contemporary

The Economics of Ronald Coase

Автор(и) : Cento Veljanovski,Editor

Издател : The Institute of Economic Affairs

Място на издаване : Great Britain

Година на издаване : 2015

ISBN : 978-0-255-36710-3

Брой страници : 232

Език : английски


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Ronald Coase is one of the most important economists of the twentieth century. Amongst other great achievements, Coase taught us why firms exist and how we can better understand how to solve enviromental problems. He also made a profound contribution to our understanding of the provision of so-called public goods and helped join the often distinct intellectual fields of law and economics. The autors of this book apply Coase's ideas to a number of different areas of economics and, in doing so, provide a practical and very readable introduction to topics that have direct relevance for regulation and public policy.

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