Екология и икономика на околната среда

Green Markets: The Economics of Sustainable Development

Автор(и) : Theodore Panayotou

Издател : Institute for Contemporary Study

Място на издаване : San Francisco, California, USA

Година на издаване : 1993

ISBN : 978-1-55815-222-9

Брой страници : 170

Език : английски


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Theodore Panayotou's book, Green Markets: The Economics of Sustainable Development, addresses one of the most important topics in international trade and international environmental law today: how to produce successful economic development without concomitant destruction of the environment. The phrase coined for this goal is "sustainable development." While sustainable development as a political and legal concept has been debated for several years, the fundamental economic implications of the concept have largely been neglected. Panayotou's book provides an accessible economic analysis of sustainable development that is essential to the formation of appropriate environmental and trade policies.
To understand the significance of the sustainable development concept and the importance of Panayotou's discussion, the concept must be viewed in the context of the development of both international trade and international environmental law. The international trade negotiations of the late 1940's failed to achieve the goal of establishing an International Trade Organization (ITO) to regulate the actions of nations in order to maximize the benefits of world trade.

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