Калоян Стайков, Явор Алексиев
За четвърта поредна година екипът на ИПИ изготви конкретни препоръки за публичните политики в България....
„Икономическата свобода и финансовата независимост "съпътсват" човешката цивилизация от древността до...
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Victor Cha
Издател: The Bodley Head
Much discussed and often maligned, precious little is known or understood about North Korea, the world’s most controversial and isolated country. Victor Cha attempts to pull back the curtain, providing insights into North Korea’s history, and the rise of the Kim family dynasty. The Impossible State illuminates the regime’s complex economy
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Zhang Weiying
Издател: Cato Institute
First published in China in 2010, where it became a bestselling academic title, The Logic of the Market is a collection of well-known economist Zhang Weiying’s most influential essays on Chinese economic reforms. Considered China’s “leading market liberalist,” the author offers a unique perspective on the market economy, implementation of
Edwin J. Feulner Jr.
Издател: Spence Pulishing Company
An overview of five "Conservative Minds" (Russell Kirk, William F. Buckley, Jr., Friedrich von Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Frank S. Meyer) and seven "Witnesses" (Including Reagan, Wilhelm Ropke, Albert Jay Nock, and Richard Weaver) features excerpts from their writings introduced with essays by Heritage Foundation president Feulner.
Douglas Carswell, Daniel Hannan
Britain is heading in the wrong direction. The British people are giving up on politics and politicians. The Plan is a book that sets out how to put Britain on the right track again. The Plan proposes to restore meaning to the ballot box, freedom to the citizen and dignity to Parliament. It puts forward a radical legislative programme
John Williamson
Издател: Institute for International Economics
A large measure of consensus exists about the substantive content of successful economic policy reform—macroeconomic discipline, microeconomic liberalization, and participation in the global economy—that is needed for an economy to enter the modern world. There is much less consensus on the political conditions necessary to sustain meaningful
Robert P. Murphy
Издател: Regnery Publishing, Inc.
This could be the most accessible and compelling introduction to free-market economics since Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson. Certainly economics has rarely been this fun! The socialists and Keynesians of the world will hate this book and make it a target of their venom. But if they read it, they might learn something. This book is sure to
Jean-Pierre Chauffour
In this thought-provoking book, Jean-Pierre Chauffour argues that freedom in all its economic, civil, and political dimensions is the only internally consistent and mutually supportive way of thinking about development and human rights.
Jeffrey Sachs
Издател: Random House
One of the world's most brilliant economists and the bestselling author of The End of Poverty, Jeffrey Sachs has written a book that is essential reading for everyone - politicians, people in business and industry, and you. Setting out a bold and provocative, yet responsible and achievable, plan, The Price of Civilization reveals why we must - and
Michael Hill
Издател: Longman
The Public Policy Process is essential reading for anyone trying to understand the process by which public policy is made. It provides a stimulating and accessible read that clarifies the complexities and diversities of a difficult subject. In its new edition this book demonstrates how any attempt to influence the policy process needs to be
Marc Miles
Издател: The Heritage Foundation
Given the chance, most people would provide food, clothing, and shelter for their families. So what are the obstacles that keep families in vast areas of the world from following through on this basic human instinct? The answers lie in Road to Prosperity. With contributions by some of America's most prominent economists and edited by Marc A. Miles
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