Политически науки

In Defence of Global Capitalism

Till världskapitalismens försvar

Автор(и) : Johan Norberg

Издател : Timbro AB

Място на издаване : Stockholm, Sweden

Година на издаване : 2001

ISBN : 978-9-17566-503-0

Брой страници : 291

Език : английски


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Defence of Global Capitalism is the book that systematically challenges and refutes the anti-capitalist assumptions. With hard facts, statistics and simple graphs, Johan Norberg explains why capitalism is in the process of creating a better world. But the book is also personally written, with an emphasis on values, and the fact that globalisation gives opportunities and freedom to the world's poor. The book illustrates this with concrete examples of people and countries that have prospered thanks to globalisation, and those that have suffered because of isolation.
Johan Norberg shows that the diffusion of capitalism in the last decades has lowered poverty rates and created opportunities for individuals all over the world. Living standards and life expectancy has risen fast in most places. World hunger, infant mortality and inequality have diminished. This is because of an economic and technological development that is the result of free market policies. The poor countries that have liberalized their economies have shown impressive results, while those that have not are stuck in deep misery. Therefore, we need more capitalism and globalisation if we want a better world, not less.
Since 2008, the book has been translated into a dozen of languages including: English (including British, American, Australian and Indian English), German, Dutch, Turkish, Estonian, French (including Canadian French), Finnish, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, Czech, Arabic, Russian and Mongolian.
The book was also the basis for the Channel 4 2003 documentary film Globalisation is Good, which was presented by Norberg.

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