If you work - whether in business, financial institutions, international banking and/or government agencies – involves you in the world of international finance, this book will bring you up to date on the latest ideas and techniques in the field. It covers both the macrofinancial environment in which international financial managers must operate and the microfiancial problems of financial management in international trade and operations.
The orientation of the book is institutional/historical rather than purely theoretical, reflecting its practicality. Its careful explanations are designed to guide you in interpreting, forecasting, and reaching to international economic events.
The book ends with a glossary defining more than 200 terms commonly used in international finance, including common abbreviations.
Charles N. Henning
Charles N. Henning – Professor of Finance and Business Economics at the University of Washington’s Graduate School of Business. Highly regarded as an expert in finance and economics, he served as an economic analyst for the US Department of Commerce, education adviser for the Pacific Coast Banking School, and consultant for the Boeing Company, the Washington Bankers Association, and the Operations Research Office (affiliated with John Hopkins University).
He is author or coauthor of several books: International Finance; Money, Financial Institutions and the Economy; and Financial Markets and the Economy.
William Pigott
William Pigott, Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Washington, is coauthor with Charles Henning of Financial Markets and the Economy.
Robert Haney Scott
Robert Haney Scott, Professor of Business Economics at the University of Washington, had written extensively in the field of finance. He had contributed to such publications as the Journal of Finance; The Banker; the Quarterly Journal of Financial Markets and the Economy, author of The Pricing System, and coauthor of National Income Analysis and Forecasting.