История на икономическата мисъл

Ludwig von Mises - A Primer

Автор(и) : Eamonn Butler

Издател : The Institute of Economic Affairs

Място на издаване : London, UK

Година на издаване : 2010

ISBN : 978-0-255-36629-8

Брой страници : 128

Език : английски


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In "Ludwig von Mises – A Primer", Eamonn Butler provides a comprehensive yet accessible overview of Mises’ outstanding achievements. At a time of economic crisis, this monograph makes it clear that Mises’ work is highly relevant today. Indeed, while mainstream economics has been found wanting, the latest recession appears to have been entirely consistent with his analysis. Furthermore, the poor performance of state health and education services can be explained by Mises’ Austrian theories. Nevertheless, Mises remains neglected by the economics profession, policymakers and academics. This readable primer explains why his work should be at the core of economic thinking.

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